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Making Disciples Today: Blog

I was worried that this was going to be similar to the many “classes” we had already been through - many of which felt like passive reception of content. That was definitely not the case. The wealth of info you gave us - especially the exposure to so many different resources - will be beneficial to me in my ministry. You encouraged me to open up myself and be a little vulnerable - something you modeled so well.

Candidate for the Diaconate
Diocese of Lafayette, LA

I was born, raised, baptized, and confirmed Catholic, but never experienced much exposure in the Catholic Church to having a one-on-one relationship with God.  I found myself looking elsewhere to get the 'know how' to learn how to do that.  I  am SO pleased that this study emphasized and focused on our personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit firmly within a Catholic context.

Retreat Participant

This retreat helped me grow in my relationship with God.  I loved Kristin's presentations.  I could have listened much longer.  I wish we had more time.  I never prayed to the Holy Spirit before - I don't know why.  Now I'm trying to address him as well as Jesus and God the Father. 

Retreat ParticipantCorpus Christi Parish - Phoenix, AZ

The talks were presented with conviction and I felt deeply as if the Holy Spirit was talking directly to me through the speaker.  My favorite part of the day was finding out I could address the Holy Spirit himself, that he is a person, and then praying for the Holy Spirit to join me in praying with the hands on prayer.  The whole day was a very personal and intimate experience for me. 

Retreat PartcipantCorpus Christi Parish - Phoenix, AZ
